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Twycross recently hosted the 4th EAZA Callitrichid Workshop. The plants we donated improved the enclosure's aesthetics, but more importantly, they benefited the primates. #Plant donations are rewarding for our team, but a thank you letter from Tony and his team is even more rewarding.
Twycross Zoo
East Midland Zoological Society
Dear Tim,
I just wanted to write to you and thank you for your support of Twycross Zoo recently. Twycross Zoo recently hosted the 4th EAZA Callitrichid Workshop, an opportunity for keepers who work with callitrichids (small South American primates) from all over Europe to come together and share their experiences and ideas. Obviously, Twycross Zoo wanted to make sure that our enclosures were looking their best for such a prestigious event and the plants that your company kindly donated really made a difference. I have included a few photos to show what an impact your plants have made.
Not only did these plants help the aesthetics of our enclosures, both for the delegates as well as our normal visitors, but they also allowed us to demonstrate some of the great husbandry benefits that live plants can provide to the primates that we care for. These plants provide the opportunities for the animals to display their natural behaviours, whether it be hiding amongst the foliage, climbing on the branches or hunting for the insects that the plants attract. Having such an array of different plants on display in our enclosures really helped with the education of the keepers that were attending the workshop.
It continues to be great to work alongside a business who has such similar environmental and sustainability goals as ourselves and takes their impact on the environment as seriously as we do.
I want to thank you again for your ongoing support of Twycross Zoo. We are looking forward to continuing to work with you into the future.
Best regards Tony
Team Manager – Primates Twycross Zoo
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