Benefits of replica planting.
As much as we love live plants, sometimes, they just aren't feasible. Enter replica.
Replica plants are great for convenience, as they don't need sunlight or water, just an occasional dusting! Hassle free and aesthetically pleasing.
Whilst live plants have specific placing requirements, replica plants can go anywhere as they don't need light or water.
Replica planting is better suited to high-level environments as it reduces the risk associated with watering at height.
A one-time cost of install with no maintenance requirements means replica can be a cost effective way of greening a space.
For situations where fire rating is required, replica planting has options available.
When low grade replica planting is exposed to direct sunlight it will fade and discolour. Our replica planting has UV rating to prevent this.
Replica planting inspiration.
From public sector offices to restaurants, replica planting can have a stunning impact, especially with trailing plants placed at higher levels.
Replica planting is still good for humans!
People are often sceptical about replica planting due to poor-quality options on the market. However, high-quality replicas, especially when combined with live plants or used at high levels, are visually indistinguishable from the real thing and can offer similar psychological benefits, including reduced stress and improved well-being.
Mediterranean plants struggle to survive in the UK, so throughout Ask Italian's UK chains, we've provided miles of replica planting to maintain an authentic Italian look that won't succumb to the English weather.
The Full Churrasco Experience at Fazenda is an authentic Brazilian dining journey inspired by the traditions of the gaúchos from the Pampas. They were after some replica planting indoors, take a look to see what we delivered!