The Benefits of Office Plant Rental and Professional Care from Plant Plan

At Plant Plan, we recognise the value of furnishing workspaces that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional for organisations. In order to enable our clients to enjoy all the advantages of living indoor plants without the effort of buying, maintaining, and replacing them on their own, we specialise in offering office plant hire and professional care services. But did you know, Indoor plants provide a swath of benefits to employees?

Improved Air Quality

Office plants can help with air quality, which is one of the main advantages of having them in the office. As a result of plants' inherent ability to filter air contaminants, the air in your office is cleaner and healthier to breathe. Those who struggle with allergies or asthma can benefit significantly from this.

Reduced Stress Levels

Another benefit of office plants is their ability to reduce stress levels. Studies have shown that having live plants in the office can reduce stress levels by up to 37%. Not only do they have a calming effect, but they also serve as a reminder of nature, which can positively impact mental well-being. In addition, the presence of plants in the workspace can also help to reduce fatigue and improve concentration. This can be especially beneficial for employees who spend long hours sitting in front of a computer screen.

Cost-effective Solution

Another benefit of office plant hire and professional care from Plant Plan is that it provides a cost-effective solution for businesses looking to improve their office space. With rental options available, it eliminates the need for significant upfront costs associated with purchasing plants outright. Additionally, our professional care services ensure that the plants are well-maintained, reducing the need for additional expenses on maintenance and replacement. By opting for office plant hire and professional care, businesses can enjoy the benefits of having live plants in their office without breaking the bank.

How we can help.

At Plant Plan, we offer a wide range of options for office plant hire, including sustainable office plants, indoor plant hire, and office landscaping with plant displays. Our indoor plant hire service allows businesses to choose from a variety of plants to suit their office's aesthetic and size. And with our office plants for lease, businesses can change up their plants regularly to keep their office looking fresh and vibrant.

Our professional plant care service ensures that your office plants will remain healthy and vibrant. We provide regular maintenance, such as watering, fertilizing, and pruning, to keep your office plants looking their best. We also offer advice on the best plants for your office environment and can help you choose the right plants for your space. With our professional plant care, you can be sure that your office plants will remain healthy and attractive.

See how #TeamPlantPlan can transform your space! - 0800 279 3120


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